Night Vision Housing Comparison
The Number 1 thing people will tell you they bought when they buy Night Vision is their Housing.
“Oooh, I bought a DTNVS”…. “Well, I bought 31 alpha’s”
We at Send Nods know that the housing only means so much. In reality, it’s less than a third of the full cost of what you purchase. However, it’s still an integral part of your NODs. Some of the most popular housings on the market have the least amount of features and are the most expensive. Others are lesser known and knock things out of the park. That’s why we compiled this list of different housings. Enjoy! We will soon be updating this with housings that we don’t carry.
Also, feel free to leave comments on any corrections or your thoughts about which housing you like best. And don’t forget that we rent most of these housings, but currently sell all that are on our list – and most are in stock and ready to ship.
Night Vision Housings Chart
The Cigar Junkies Podcast
Owner R.L. Shawver joins The Cigar Junkies podcast, where all kinds of shenanigans occur.
Beyond The Lines – Podcast
Come join us on Wednesday, February 15th, 2023 with Nikki and Karen on the Beyond the Lines Podcast.
Listen in on what believe and where we plan on talking nightvision rentals in the future.

Check it here: